法國—匈牙利印象主義 / 德彪西: 德彪西弦樂四重奏; 拉威爾:弦樂四重奏; 巴托克 French-Hungarian Impressionism?

售價$ : 508
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This record is dedicated to the frequent association of two French scores, gems from la Belle Epoque, played by a string quartet which, following their mentor Sandor Vegh's example, is undertaking a new career. After a first and brilliant appearance (1976-84) as the Orlando, the quartet returns as the Parkanyí Quartet, from the name of the Hungarian-born 'primarius' [leader], Istvan Parkanyí. Only one member has changed, the cellist Michael Müller replacing Stefan Metz. One fantastic bonus is the addition of Bartok's string quartet, the No.4, with similar attributes as the French.
CD 1 Claude Debussy 1 String Quartet G minor - Anime et tres decide 6'52 2 String Quartet G minor - Scherzo 4'07 3 String Quartet G minor - Andantino 7'59 4 String Quartet G minor - Tres Modere 7'07 Maurice Ravel 5 String Quartet F minor - Allegro moderato 9'00 6 String Quartet F minor - Assez vif 6'47 7 String Quartet F minor - Tres lent 9'27 8 String Quartet F minor - Vif et agite 5'18 Bela Bartok 9 String Quartet no.4 SZ.91 - Allegro 6'10 10 String Quartet no.4 SZ.91 - Prestissimo, con sordino 3'02 11 String Quartet no.4 SZ.91 - Non troppo lento 5'26 12 String Quartet no.4 SZ.91 - Allegretto pizzicato 2'47 13 String Quartet no.4 SZ.91 - Allegro molto 5'46

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