韓德爾:神劇參孫 (DAW 古樂系列) Handel:Samson

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劇在韓德爾神劇作品中有其獨特的地位,不像其他神劇採用改編自聖經的劇本,而是直接採用彌爾頓的詩作為劇本,因此在歌詞上也非常的講究而有文學之美。 此錄音是從哈農庫特一系列的現場演出中錄下的,他非常注意讓全劇的演出摒棄了英國式神劇的宗教意味,而加入了強烈的歌劇效果!    大力士參孫因為迷戀大麗拉,被設計割去他力氣來源的長髮,因此淪為奴隸的故事,此為舊約聖經中最常被引述的故事。至於韓德爾的參孫故事,則是從「失樂 園」一書作者彌爾頓的劇本寫成的歌劇,此劇完成於一七四一年,離韓德爾上一齣傑作「彌賽亞」完成才只有兩週的時間,可見韓德爾當時是多麼受到英國人的歡 迎。此劇前後只花了一個月的時間就完成,但一直等到一七四三年二月十八日才首演,之所以遲了一年多,是因為中間韓德爾為了自己的彌賽亞神劇大受歡迎,而在 英倫三島展開巡迴演出,因此沒時間推出此新劇的演出。此劇在韓德爾神劇作品中有其獨特的地位,因為此劇不像其他神劇採用改編自聖經的劇本,而是直接採用彌 爾頓的詩作為劇本,因此在歌詞上也非常的講究而有文學之美。至於韓德爾為此劇所譜的音樂,也充滿了創意和效果:像是第二幕最後描寫參孫在大麗拉和哈拉法之 間的衝突時,韓德爾就將樂團分成兩組,各演奏一道旋律來對抗;而在第三幕更是以一段「恐懼與疑惑的交響樂」來描寫劇中人物的心情,這是巴洛克描寫音樂之極 致,充滿了效果。本片是哈農庫特在一九九二年灌錄的,也是他古樂韓德爾系列中最晚期的錄音作品之一。這份錄音是從他一系列的現場演出中錄下的,哈農庫特非 常注意讓全劇的演出摒棄了英國式神劇的宗教意味,而加入了強烈的歌劇效果,因此韓德爾在劇中利用音樂所要表達的情緒和衝突,都透過他那些充滿想像力的手法 呈現出來!■2009.02■
    DISK 1 CD 1. Symphony 2. Menuet 3. Act 1 Scene 1 : 〞Awake the trumpet’s lofty sound〞 4. Act 1 Scene 1 : 〞Ye men of Gaza, hither bring〞 5. Act 1 Scene 1 : 〞Awake the trumpet’s lofty sound!〞 6. Act 1 Scene 1 : 〞Torments, alas! are not confined〞 7. Act 1 Scene 2 : 〞O mirror of our fickle state〞 8. Act 1 Scene 2 : 〞Total eclipse! no sun, no moon, all dark〞 9. Act 1 Scene 2 : 〞Since light so necessary is to life〞 10. Act 1 Scene 2 : 〞O first created beam!〞 11. Act 1 Scene 3 : 〞Oh miserbale change! is this the man〞 12. Act 1 Scene 3 : 〞The good we wish for, often proves our banes〞 13. Act 1 Scene 3 : 〞Thy glorious deeds inspir’d my tongue〞 14. Act 1 Scene 3 : 〞Thy glorious deeds inspir’d my tongue〞 15. Act 1 Scene 3 : 〞Then long Eternity shall greet your bliss〞 16. Act 1 Scene 3 : 〞Then round about the starry throne〞 17. Act 2 Scene 1 : 〞Trust yet in God! Thy father’s timely care〞 18. Act 2 Scene 1 : 〞Return, oh God of hosts!〞 19. Act 2 Scene 1 : 〞To dust his glory they would tread〞 20. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞With plaintive notes and am’rous moan〞 21. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞Your charms to ruin led the way〞 22. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞My faith and truth, oh Samson, prove〞 23. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove〞 24. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞To fleeting pleasures make your court〞 25. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove〞     DISK 2 CD 1. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞N’er think of that!〞 2. Act 2 Scene 2 : 〞Traitor to love! I’ll sue no more〞 3. Act 2 Scene 3 : 〞To man God’s universal Law〞 4. Act 2 Scene 4 : 〞Honour and arms scorn such a foe〞 5. Act 2 Scene 4 : 〞Go, baffled coward go〞 / 〞Presume not on thy god〞 6. Act 2 Scene 4 : 〞Hear, Jacob’s God, Jehovah, hear〞 7. Act 2 Scene 4 : 〞To song and dance we give the day〞 8. Act 2 Scene 4 : 〞To song and dance we give the day〞 9. Act 2 Scene 4 : 〞Fix’d in his everlasting seat〞 10. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞More trouble is behind : for Harapha〞 11. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞Presuming slave, to move their wrath〞 12. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞With thunder arm’d, great God, arise〞 13. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞Jehova’s Glory known!〞 14. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞Thus when the sun from’s wat’ry bed〞 15. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞With might endued above the sons of men〞 16. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞The Holy One of Israel be thy guide〞 17. Act 3 Scene 1 : 〞To fame immortal go〞 18. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Great Dagon has subduedour foe〞 19. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Great Dagon has subduedour foe〞 20. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞How willing my paternal love〞 21. Act 3 Scene 2 : A Symphony of horror and confusion 22. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Hear us, our God, oh hear our cry!〞 23. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Ye sons of Israel, now lament〞 24. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Weep, Israel, weep a louder strain 25. Act 3 Scene 2 : A Dead March 26. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Glorious hero, may thy grave〞 27. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Let the bright Seraphim in burning row〞 28. Act 3 Scene 2 : 〞Let their celestial concerts all unite〞

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