音樂盛宴:羅伯道蘭收集之1610年排行20大歌曲集 A Musical Banquet

售價$ : 368
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   羅伯.道蘭為十六世紀著名作曲家約翰.道蘭之子,他收集了當時英國、法國、西班牙與義大利著名作曲家最好的作品共二十首作品,集合成這一套名為「音樂盛宴」的歌曲集,其中也收錄其父的三首作品,包括最著名的「讓我身處黑暗」。換言之,這張專集等於是一六一○年的排行二十大名曲集。繼前三張專集成功地試煉後,修爾的演唱功力益形精進,在這張旋律與精神內涵並重的專集裡,繼續保持當今假聲男高音第一人的寶座。2001, 1月發行
1. Antony Holborne My heavy sprite oprest with sorrowes might, for voice & lute 2. John Dowland Lady if you so spite me, for voice, lute & bass viol (A Musical Banquet) 3. In darkness let me dwell, for voice, lute & bass viol (A Musicall Banquet) 4. Work(s): O dear life, when shall it be, for voice, lute, an 5. Pierre Guedron Ce penser qui sans fin tirannise ma vie 6. Si le parler et le silence 7. John Dowland Work(s): Change thy mind since she doth change, for voice a 8. Work(s): Go, my flock, go get you hence, for voice and orph 9. Domenico Maria Melli 〔Megli〕 Se di farmi morire, voce e liuto 10. Giulio Caccini Amarilli mia bella, for voice & continuo (from 〞Le Nuove musiche〞) 11. Anonymous Passava Amor su arco desarmado 12. John Dowland Far from the triumphing court, for voice, lute & bass viol (A Musicall Banquet) 13. The Right Honourable Lord Viscount Lisle (Sir Robert Sidney, his galliard), for lute, P 38 (A Musical Banquet) 14. Work(s): In a grove most rich of shade, for voice and lute 15. Pierre Guedron Vous que le Bonheur rappelle 16. Anonymous Vuestros ojos tienen d`amor 17. Sta notte mi sognava 18. Daniel Bacheler To Plead My Faith, galliard for lute (No. 25 from Selected Works for Lute) 19. John Dowland Work(s): O eyes, leave off your weeping, for voice and lute 20. Giulio Caccini Dovrò dunque morire 21. Anonymous O bella più, for voice & lute

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