莫札特: 唐喬凡尼 Mozart: Don Giovanni

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Zubin Mehta/ Israel Philharmonic Orchestra/ Nicola Ulivieri/ Anna Samuil/ Maria Luigia Borsi/ Mauriz 祖賓.梅塔/ 以色列愛樂樂團
曲目 A. The Development of Opera during the 18th Century Opera was a good barometer of social change in 18th century Europe. At the beginning of the century, serious opera was prevalent, and so did the absolute monarchs, who supported it. You would see that the ruler who sponsored a particular opera was represented as the noble mythical or historical hero. By contrast, The Beggar’s Opera made fun of opera seria and aristocratic society. Don Giovanni came about a decade after the American Revolution and two years before the start of the French Revolution. The aristocracy is no longer being viewed through rose-colored glasses. Don Giovanni is about the notorious Don Juan a Spanish nobleman who is anything but noble. Mozart has made him an antihero. B. Mozart, Opera, and Don Giovanni Mozart’s operas have been regarded by many as not only his supreme achievement, but also the most successful operas of any eras. Mozart wrote Don Giovanni in 1787 for a performance in Prague. Don Giovanni tells the tale of Don Giovanni, a Spanish nobleman and the most notorious womanizer in Europe. VIDEO: Watch opening and overture. One of the object of his affections, Donna Anna, rejects him. Her father challenges Don Giovanni to a duel, and Don kills him. Donna Anna swears revenge. Donna Elvira is an earlier conquest who acts as a typical jilted lover. Zerlina is a peasant girl who is about to be married, and Don Giovanni tries to seduce her away In the end, the dead father comes back as a statue and eventually casts Don Giovanni into hell. VIDEO: Scene. C. La ci darem la mano “La ci darem la mano” (Give me your hand), is a duet that occurs early in the opera. Don Giovanni is trying to seduce Zerlina. Listen for the melody that he sings — it is simple and irresistible. Mozart simplifies the music here to convey that that simple music would reach a peasant better. The setting heightens the mood — there is a simple accompaniment at the beginning, there is a quickening rhythm as they exchange words. Listen: Give Me Your Hand D. A cenar teco This song takes place in the scene in which Don Giovanni meets his fate. The commandant comes back in statue form and asks Don Giovanni to dinner. He takes Giovanni’s hand and asks him to repent. Giovanni refuses the Commandant’s invitation, and he is engulfed in flames. Voices from below direct him to hell, where he spends eternity. Mozart’s music helps us believe this story. The orchestral accompaniment from the first terrifying chord to the final push to the end, lets us know that the end is near. Listen for the swirling violins, voice-of-doom trombones, relentless rhythms. The three vocal lines show their character — the wide intervals of the the Commandant’s melodic material depicts the voices of doom, Leporello’s chattering underscores his cowardice, and Don Giovanni’s answers resonate with defiance. Listen: A cenar teco

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