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在好萊塢的影音搭檔之中,大導演史蒂芬史匹柏、喬治盧卡斯與音樂家約翰威廉斯這個鐵三角是最耀眼的共同體,三人攜手合作的印第安納瓊斯系列電影與音樂堪稱當代視覺影像藝術與音樂藝術的顛峰,環球音樂集團旗下的Concord Records唱片公司為了榮耀這個跨越了近30年的影音里程,不但重新取得這套系列電影的前三集—「法櫃奇兵」、「魔宮傳奇」、「聖戰奇兵」的原聲大碟的發行權,讓這三張在唱片市場上絕版超過十年以上的原聲帶大碟重見天日,讓全球電影音樂發燒友得以更完整的體驗這場影音創作史上的聽覺饗宴。
Side A
1. In the Jungle - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. The Idol Temple - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. Escape from the Temple - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Flight from Peru - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
5. Washington Men / Indy's Home - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
6. A Thought for Marion / To Nepal - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
7. The Medallion - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
8. Flight to Cairo - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
Side B
1. The Basket Game - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. Bad Dates - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. The Map Room: Dawn - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Reunion in the Tent / Searching for the Well - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
5. The Well of the Souls - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
Side C
1. Indy Rides the Statue - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. The Fist Fight / The Flying Wing - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. Desert Chase - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Marion's Theme / The Crate - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
5. The German Sub - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
Side D
1. Ride to the Nazi Hideout - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. Indy Follows the Ark - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. The Miracle of the Ark - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Washington Ending / Raiders March - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
1. In the Jungle - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. The Idol Temple - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. Escape from the Temple - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Flight from Peru - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
5. Washington Men / Indy's Home - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
6. A Thought for Marion / To Nepal - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
7. The Medallion - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
8. Flight to Cairo - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
Side B
1. The Basket Game - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. Bad Dates - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. The Map Room: Dawn - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Reunion in the Tent / Searching for the Well - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
5. The Well of the Souls - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
Side C
1. Indy Rides the Statue - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. The Fist Fight / The Flying Wing - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. Desert Chase - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Marion's Theme / The Crate - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
5. The German Sub - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
Side D
1. Ride to the Nazi Hideout - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
2. Indy Follows the Ark - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
3. The Miracle of the Ark - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
4. Washington Ending / Raiders March - From "Raiders of the Lost Ark"/Score
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