Songs From Other Places

售價$ : 1,280
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Stacey Kent is a jazz singer in the mold of the greats, with a legion of fans worldwide, a host of honors and awards including a Grammy nomination, album sales in excess of 2 Million, Gold, Double-Gold and Platinum-selling albums that have reached a series of No. 1 chart positions during the span of her career. An interpreter of The Great American Song Book and beyond, Kent's music and influences span multiple genres, a testament to her "wandering, restless spirit" as an artist. Her long time songwriting collaborator is Nobel Prize winning author Kazuo Ishiguro.
1. I Wish I Could Go Travelling Again
2. Bonita
3. Craigie Burn
4. Les Voyages
5. American Tune
6. Tango In Macao
7. Blackbird
8. My Ship
9. Imagina
10. Landslide

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