最佳手風琴演奏名曲集 Le Pari des Bretelles

售價$ : 548
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想像一下手風琴這種”有肩帶的鋼琴”出現在所有的風格,所有的地方,所有的音樂美學之中是件瘋狂的挑戰. 但這挑戰是這一代的樂師們承襲從東尼‧穆瑞納(Tony Murena), 馬賽‧亞左拉(Marcel Azzola), 以及在各種曲目中光芒四射的理查.蓋利安諾(Richard Galliano)等手風琴家的傳統. 在這片的曲目中帶我們回溯”窮人的鋼琴”歷史與回顧學術性音樂與流行音樂之間的持續交流, 並凸顯出上一世紀許多的創新而產生的文化融合. It was a crazy challenge to imagine the accordion, this "piano with straps", finding its place in all styles, all places, all musical aesthetics. Yet this is the challenge that these generations of instrumentalists have taken up, of whom we are the heirs, from Tony Murena to Marcel Azzola and including the one who, on his own, shines in all repertoires: Richard Galliano. The programme of this disc presented here retraces the history of the "piano of the poor" and recalls the constant permeability between scholarly and popular music, highlighting the cultural crossbreeding of the last century, the result of so many innovations.
Thibault Perrine: Suite Musette 1. I. Ouverture 2. II. Intermede 3. III. Elegie 4. IV. Humoresque 5. V. Finale 6. Prokofiev: Ouverture sur des Themes Juifs, Op. 34 7. Gershwin: Un Americain a Paris 8. Piazzólla: Milonga del Angel Galliano: Petite Suite francaise 9. I. Prelude 10. II. Aubade 11. III. Espiegle 12. IV. Interlude 13. V. Waltz 14. Gus Viseur: Flambee montalbanaise

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