DG經典大師錄音-蟲膠年代錄音經典 The Shellac Era / Historical Recordings 1912-1937

售價$ : 718
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The Shellac Project”. Deutsche Grammophon’s exciting cooperation with Google Arts and Culture ((Link)) presented on LP. From an early recording of baritone star Titto Ruffo (1912) to a 1934 recording of Louis Armstrong, or a film song from 1936 performed by stunning coloratura soprano Erna Sack, this LP compiles a list of rare recordings from great stars of the past and nearly forgotten gems. These are all based on early 20th Century metal masters which for “The Shellac Project” have been extracted through a sophisticated system, remastered and made digitally available. Some of the Shellac Project’s rarities are presented on this special vinyl release, including tenor Koloman von Pataky’s precious interpretation of Mozart’s “Un`aura amorosa”, and composer Pietro Mascagni conducting his own famous Intermezzo sinfonico from “Cavalleria Rusticana” with the Staatskapelle Berlin, both recorded in 1927.

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