21週年紀念專輯 (Lilac Vinyl)

售價$ : 1,118
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In 1958 the BBC Radiophonic Workshop opened with the aim to enhance in the main, drama output on the Third Programme (now Radio 3) following the development of new electronic music techniques emanating from Europe. Their work expanded across the BBC to take in TV drama (especially sci-fi), schools programmes and themes. The latter being their most celebrated and well known work, Delia Derbyshire's treatment of Ron Grainer's theme for Doctor Who. This collection, originally released by BBC Records in 1979 to celebrate 21 years of the workshop appears for the first time in its full original form on LP. From The Goons (Bloodnocks Stomach) to the Interval Signal to Doctor Who and Great Zoos Of The World this is a fascinating chronicle of some of the most innovative music ever made. These ground-breaking compositions providing a major influence on music from The Beatles and Pink Floyd and onwards into the contemporary world of Aphex Twin, Orbital and The Chemical Brothers. "The Radiophonic Workshop, I loved all that, it fascinated me, and still does”. - Paul McCartney.
<SIDE A> 01. Desmond Briscoe - Quatermass & the Pit (Effects) 02. Dick Mills - Bloodnok's Stomach 03. Desmond Briscoe - Outside 04. Phil Young - Science and Industry 05. Phil Young - The Artist Speaks 06. Phil Young - The Splendour That Was Rome 07. Maddalena Fagandini - Interval Signal 08. Desmond Briscoe - Phra the Phoenician 09. Desmond Briscoe - Full Circle - The Stick Up 10. Maddalena Fagandini - Time Beat 11. Maddalena Fagandini - Ideal Home Exhibition 12. Delia Derbyshire - Time On Our Hands 13. Delia Derbyshire - Arabic Science and Industry 14. Maddalena Fagandini - The Chem Lab Mystery 15. Delia Derbyshire - Know Your Car (Get Out and Get Under) 16. Delia Derbyshire - Dr. Who 17. Brian Hodgson - TARDIS 18. John Baker - Choice 19. John Baker - Hard Luck Hall 20. Delia Derbyshire - Talk Out 21. Delia Derbyshire - Science and Health 22. Tony Askew - Secrets of the Chasm 23. Keith Salmon - Westminster at Work 24. Delia Derbyshire - A New View of Politics 25. Delia Derbyshire - Environmental Studies 26. Delia Derbyshire - Chronicle 27. Delia Derbyshire - Great Zoos of the World 28. Dudley Simpson - Minds of Evil <SIDE B> 29. Dick Mills - Fanfare 30. Paddy Kingsland - Broken Biscuit Club 31. Roger Limb - The Plunderers 32. Richard Yeoman-Clark - Mysterioso 33. Peter Howell - Greenwich Chorus 34. Malcolm Clarke - Hurdy Gurdy 35. Dick Mills - Martian March Past 36. Paddy Kingsland - A Whisper from Space 37. Roger Limb - Swirley 38. Peter Howell - Merry-Go-Round 39. Malcolm Clarke - BBC2 Serial 40. Roger Limb - Quirky 41. Paddy Kingsland - Newton 42. Peter Howell - The Secret War 43. Dick Mills - Thomas the Rhymer 44. Malcolm Clarke - Contact 45. Roger Limb - For Love or Money

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