藍白紅三部曲 Trois Couleurs Bleu Blanc Rouge

售價$ : 678
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波蘭電影大師奇士勞斯基(Krzysztof Kieslowski)是影史上偉大的作者導演之一,熱愛藝術電影的朋友應該不陌生,他的作品深具文學哲理與高度藝術性,尤其對配樂的運用更是講究,他曾經表示:「音樂是我的卡司,填補鏡頭無法傳達的意境。」電影中的音樂與劇情發展、角色情緒相輔相成,不僅動聽,還能進一步理解到奇士勞斯基獨特的敘事技巧,這些出色的配樂出自他的御用配樂家─普瑞斯納(Zbigniew Preisner)手筆,而普瑞斯納也是影壇中少數能在電影前期開始參與創作的配樂家,兩人合作多年,共同創作出許多經典的作品。 藍色、白色和紅色是法國國旗從左到右的三種顏色,而三部電影所講述的故事也是基於這三種顏色所代表的政治理念:自由、平等和博愛。《藍白紅三部曲》是電影史上的不朽之作,被許多影評家認為是電影界的巔峰。
Song for the Unification of Europe (Patrice's version) Van Den Budenmayer - Funeral music (winds) Julie - Glimpses of Burial Reprise - First Appearance The Battle of Carnival and Lent Reprise - Julie with Olivier Ellipsis 1 First Flute Julie - in her new apartment Reprise - Julie on the stairs Second flute Ellipsis 2 Van den Budenmayer - Funeral music Van Den Budenmayer - Funeral music The Battle of Carnival and Lent II Reprise - flute Ellipsis 3 Olivier's theme - piano Olivier and Julie - Trial composition Olivier's theme - finale Bolero - Trailer for "Red" film Song for the Unification of Europe Julie's version Closing credits Reprise - organ Bolero - "Red" film The Beginning The Court Dominique tries to go home A chat in the underground Return to Poland Home at last On the Wisla First job Don't fall asleep After the first transaction Attempted murder The party on the Wisla Don Karol I Phone call to Dominique Funeral music Don Karol II Morning at the hotel Dominique's arrest Don Karol III Dominique in prison The end Milosc od pierwszego wejrzenia (Love At First Sight) interprete par Zbi Fashion show Meeting the judge The tapped conversation Leaving the judge Psychoanalysis Today is my birthday Do not take another man's wife Treason Fashion show II Concersation at the theatre The rest of the conversation at the theatre Do not take another man's wife Catastrophe

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