美女與野獸 電影原聲帶 Beauty And The Beast: The Songs (Blue Vinyl)

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❤奧斯卡、葛萊美配樂大師Alan Menken操刀 迪士尼經典動畫真人版電影原聲帶 ❤收錄流行天后亞莉安娜&約翰傳奇經典主題曲"Beauty and the Beast"、以及席琳狄翁與喬許葛洛班全新單曲 電影入座 繼【黑魔女:沉睡魔咒】、【仙履奇緣】後,迪士尼再度將經典動畫改編成真人版電影,這回由人氣女星艾瑪華生領銜,搭配兩位新生代英倫帥哥-丹史蒂文森與路克伊凡斯,重新演繹迪士尼動畫之完美傑作【美女與野獸】。電影劇情描述一位王子因不懂得慈悲與寬容而被施與魔咒變成野獸,後來貝兒為救父親而答應被野獸囚禁,在一群魔堡僕役的穿針引線之下,貝兒與野獸從針鋒相對到相知相守,但野獸必須在最後一片玫瑰花瓣掉落前,學會愛人與被愛,才得以解開魔法的桎梏。 音樂開始 【美女與野獸】的電影原聲帶由榮獲8座奧斯卡獎、11座葛萊美獎之傳奇大師Alan Menken操刀,除了負責配樂製作,還一手包辦了譜寫全新原創歌曲,替經典動畫電影賦予嶄新靈魂。電影群星艾瑪華生、丹史蒂文森、伊恩麥克連等人除了發揮高超的演技之外,也大開金嗓,徹底展現絕讚的歌唱實力;原聲帶也特別邀請流行天后亞莉安娜Ariana Grande與約翰傳奇John Legend重新演繹歷久不衰的電影主題曲"Beauty and the Beast",兩人將些許節奏藍調和當代流行元素混入其中,唱出有別於原版的新世代之聲;傳奇歌后席琳狄翁Celine Dion與「心靈捕手」喬許Josh Groban分別演唱了Alan Menken特別為真人版電影所鍛造的新曲"How Does A Moment Last Forever"及"Evermore";最後豪華典藏版2CD一次擁有Alan Menken精心打造的浪漫配樂。
Side One: 1. Belle - Performed by Emma Watson, Luke Evans, Ensemble 2. How Does A Moment Last Forever (Music Box) - Performed by Kevin Kline 3. Belle (Reprise) - Performed by Emma Watson 4. Gaston - Performed by Josh Gad, Luke Evans, Ensemble 5. Be Our Guest - Performed by Ewan McGregor, Emma Thompson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ian McKellen 6. Days In The Sun - Performed by Adam Mitchell, Stanley Tucci, Ewan McGregor, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ian McKellen, Emma Thompson, Emma Watson, Audra McDonald, Clive Rowe 7. Something There - Performed by Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Ewan McGregor, Ian McKellen, Emma Thompson, Nathan Mack, Gugu Mbatha-Raw 8. How Does A Moment Last Forever (Montmartre) - Performed by Emma Watson Side Two: 1. Beauty and the Beast - Performed by Emma Thompson 2. Evermore - Performed by Dan Stevens 3. The Mob Song - Performed by Luke Evans, Josh Gad, Ensemble, Emma Thompson, Ian McKellen, Stanley Tucci, Nathan Mack, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ewan McGregor 4. Beauty and the Beast (Finale) - Performed by Audra McDonald, Emma Thompson, Ensemble 5. How Does A Moment Last Forever - Performed by Celine Dion 6. Beauty and the Beast - Performed by Ariana Grande and John Legend 7. Evermore - Performed by Josh Groban

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