劍橋合唱團 聖誕合唱曲 Cambridge Singers Christmas Album

售價$ : 468
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1. holly and the ivy, The 1. The (English) - (previously unreleased) Holly and the Ivy 2. Blessed Be That Maid Marie (English) 3. Somerset Wassail 3. O wassail all over the town!, carol ("The Somerset Wassail") Wassail 4. Shepherds in the field abiding 4. In the field abiding (Tune: French) - (previously unreleased) Shepherds 5. infant king, The 5. The (Basque) infant King 6. What is this lovely fragrance? 6. Quelle est cette odeur agr‚able? (Whence is that goodly fragrance?) (French) 7. Gabriel's message 7. Gabriel's Message (Basque) - (previously unreleased) 8. Still, still, still 8. Still, Still (Stille, stille, stille) (Austrian) Still 9. Quittez pasteurs (O come away ye shepherds) (French) - (French) 10. Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle - (French) 10. Jeanette, Isabella ("Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle") - (French) Bring a Torch 11. Personent hodie - (Latin) 11. Personent Hodie (On this day Earth shall ring) (Piae Cantiones) - (Latin) 12. L'enfance du Christ, Op. 25: L'adieu des bergers 12. oratorio for soprano, 2 tenors, baritone, 3 basses, chorus & orchetsra, L' ("trilogie sacr‚e") H. 130 (Op. 25): The Shepherds' farewell Enfance du Christ 13. Minuit, Chrétiens "O holy night" 13. Cantique de No‰l for voice & orchestra "O Holy Night" 14. O magnum mysterium - (Latin) 14. motet for 4 voices - (Latin) O Magnum Mysterium 15. Hodie Christus natus est - (Latin) 15. motet for 5 voices & continuo (Cantiones Sacrae No. 13) - (Latin) Hodie Christus natus est 16. Messiah, HWV 56: For unto us a child is born 16. oratorio, HWV 56: For unto us a child is born Messiah 17. In dulci jubilo 17. In Dulci Jubilo 18. Carols (3), Op. 25: no 2, Lully, lulla thou little tiny child 18. Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child, for soloist & chorus, Op 25b - (previously unreleased) Lully 19. New Year Carol, A 19. children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7: A New Year Carol Friday Afternoons 20. Balulalow 20. for voice & piano Balulalow 21. I Saw a Fair Maiden 22. Lamb "Little Lamb, who made thee?", The 22. for chorus, The Lamb 23. Fantasia on Christmas Carols 23. chorus & orchestra Fantasia on Christmas Carols for baritone

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