馬林巴琴的藝術 Marimba Sculpture

售價$ : 578
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„Marimba Sculpture“ is the continuation of the audite series with Katarzyna Myćka as marimba soloist – this time supported by Franz Bach and Eckhard M. Stromer. The works recorded here are exclusively original compositions, not adaptations, which makes this SACD an interesting collection of compositions for the marimba. Some of the pieces were written especially for the soloist by composers inspired by her playing. The works reveal the instrument in all its expressive power: its impressive dynamic variety, the range of its sound spectrum from percussive character to a fl at carpet of sound, as well as the virtuoso possibilities of the marimba. All these factors combine to form music that fascinates the listener with its variety and catching melodies. The recording is immediately approachable for everyone, even if it seems at fi rst glance to be for marimba specialists. The calming, almost meditative effect of the music and the marimba sound make it so appealing. The Surroundsound of the SACD recording positively strengthens the effect of sonic breadth and depth. The spatial dimension of the Surround recording thus enables a differentiated reproduction to be made of the arrangement of as many as three marimbas in the recording studio.
Marimba Sculpture Rüdiger Pawassar: Sculpture 3 Leander Kaiser: Hurricane’s Eye Matthias Schmitt: 3 Skizzen Ney Rosauro: Variations over Evelyn Glennie’s “A little Prayer” Keiko Abe: Kazak Lullaby • Refl ections on Japanese Children’s Songs II Steve Reich: Nagoya Marimbas Anna Ignatowicz: Toccata

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