馬提奴:大提琴奏鳴曲全集 Martinu: Complete Cello Sonatas_Wick/Devoyon

售價$ : 578
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“Musical expression should be the result of a composer’s personality and experience, not of unusual technical means. Music is not a question of calculation, for the creative impulse is identical to the desire to live, to feel life.” This musical credo of the Moravian composer Bohuslav Martinů can be sensed in his numerous operas, symphonies and concertos, composed in Prague, Paris, the USA and Switzerland, all stations in his life. But his chamber works, such as the three magnifi cent Sonatas for Violoncello and Piano, also refl ect Martinů’s lifelong need to refl ect life in his music. Thus one can feel the shocks of war and American exile in the three works written in 1939, 1941 and 1952 respectively – but also the passionate confession of the atmosphere of his Czech homeland. Tilmann Wick is prize winner of international competitions and a Professor at the Academy of Music and Theatre in Hanover. He performs regularly at home and abroad and follows numerous invitations as an instructor to international master classes in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. Pascal Devoyon, also a prize winner at international competitions, including second prize at the 1978 Tchaikovsky Competition, is a Professor at the Berlin Academy of the Arts. He regularly participates as a musician and instructor at many international festivals. Additionally he directs the Festival MusicAlp in Courchevel, France.
BOHUSLAV MARTINŮ (1890-1959) Sonatas for Cello and Piano Sonata No. 1 (1939) Sonata No. 2 (1941) Sonata No. 3 (1952)

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