Langer: Landscape With Three People

售價$ : 478
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A selection of chamber works by Elena Langer (b.1974, Moscow), notable for their playful counterpoint and delicate textures. The London-based composer delights in exploring the endless soundworlds of voices and instruments. 'Landscape With Three People' dates from 2013, with texts by poet Lee Harwood. Elena moved to London to complete her degrees first at the Royal College of Music and then at the Royal Academy of Music. She has studied with Julian Anderson, Simon Bainbridge, Gerard McBurney and taken lessons with Sofia Gubaidulina (Centre Acanthes, France), Dmitri Smirnov, Jo Kondo and Jonathan Harvey. In 2002 and 2003 Elena was the first ever composer-in-residence at the Almeida Theatre, London. She has received commissions and performances from organisations such as The Royal Opera House's ROH2, Zurich Opera, Carnegie Hall, The Britten and Strauss Festival in Aldeburgh, Park Lane Group, St. Petersburg's Music Spring, Chamber Music Series "XX/XXI" of the Bayerische Staatsoper (Germany). This recording project was generously funded by Blyth Valley Chamber Music, the Ralph Vaughan Williams Trust and a large number of individuals. The new CD will be launched in parallel with the first public performances in Cardiff of the composer’s 'Figaro Gets A Divorce', a new opera for Welsh National Opera under David Pountney. “An enticing sonic tapestry, pitched midway between the expressive avant-garde tumult of Berio and the rough-and-tumble of folk music.” THE TIMES
21-27 February Figaro Gets a Divorce, opera premiere, Wales Millenium Centre, Cardiff 3 March Figaro Gets a Divorce, Birmingham Hippodrome 10 March Figaro Gets a Divorce, Venue Cymru, Llandudno 17 March Figaro Gets a Divorce, The Bristol Hippodrome 24 March Figaro Gets a Divorce, Mayflower Theatre, Southampton 31 March Figaro Gets a Divorce, Milton Keynes Theatre 7 April Figaro Gets a Divorce, Theatre Royal, Plymouth 23 April New Piece for Britten Sinfonia, Wiltshire Music Centre, Bradford-on-Avon 27 April New Piece for Britten Sinfonia, West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge 29 April New Piece for Britten Sinfonia, St.Andrew's Hall, Norwich 1 May New Piece for Britten Sinfonia, Milton Court, London

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