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◎史上最偉大女歌手繼2002年發行首張情歌對唱《Duets》12年後,萬眾期待第二張重新演繹之世紀情歌對唱特典 ◎加總共74座葛萊美獎震撼陣容之各世代及領域天王,賦予芭芭拉最偉大情歌全新生命與感動 ◎安德烈波伽利、麥可布雷、約翰梅爾、約翰傳奇、喬許葛洛班、史提夫汪達、比利喬、娃娃臉、貓王等12組天王新續世紀音緣 曲目: 1. IT HAD TO BE YOU (with Michael Bublé) 非你莫屬/與麥可布雷 「北非諜影」、「當哈利遇上莎莉」等電影插曲,4座葛萊美獎新浪漫主義歌手麥可布雷溫柔共鳴 2. PEOPLE (with Stevie Wonder) 芸芸眾生/與史提夫汪達 1964年百老匯舞台劇「妙女郎」名曲,22座葛萊美獎史提夫汪達,貢獻獨特嗓音與口琴吹奏 3. COME RAIN OR COME SHINE (with John Mayer) 有時晴有時雨/與約翰梅爾 以1961年與法蘭克辛納屈版本最為人熟知,7座葛萊美獎約翰梅爾,譜入藍調吉他的聲韻迴繞其中 4. EVERGREEN (with Babyface) 長青/與娃娃臉 奧斯卡+金球+葛萊美1976年電影「星夢淚痕」主題曲,10座葛萊美娃娃臉灑入節奏藍調與流行頻率 5. NEW YORK STATE OF MIND (with Billy Joel) 心繫紐約/與比利喬 1976年收錄在6座葛萊美獎的比利喬白金專輯《Turnstiles》,代表紐約的國歌,同時獻上精湛琴藝 6. I’D WANT IT TO BE YOU (with Blake Shelton) 希望是你/與布雷克雪爾頓 13首鄉村單曲榜冠軍天王巨星布雷克雪爾頓,讓鄉村樂和經典美麗相遇,幻化最動容的愛戀情歌 7. THE WAY WE WERE (with Lionel Richie) 往日情懷/與萊諾李奇 1973年奧斯卡+金球+葛萊美電影「往日情懷」主題曲,由2座葛萊美情歌王子萊諾李奇重現昔日美景 8. I STILL CAN SEE YOUR FACE (with Andrea Bocelli) 看見你的容顏/與安德烈波伽利 獲得世界三大男高音讚嘆的安德烈波伽利,立足音樂史上最成功跨界古典藝人,美聲讚頌情感之歌 9. HOW DEEP IS THE OCEAN (with Jason Gould) 海有多深/與傑森古德 活躍於百老匯的偉大樂曲家艾文柏林1932年暢銷作,芭芭拉與寶貝兒子Jason Gould首度灌錄歌曲 10. WHAT KIND OF FOOL (with John Legend) 多傻的人/與約翰傳奇 1980年由比吉斯靈魂人物巴瑞吉伯製作、譜寫、合唱,交付9座葛萊美獎約翰傳奇鋼琴彈奏獻唱 11. SOMEWHERE (with Josh Groban) 某個地方/與喬許葛洛班 1954年百老匯歌舞劇「西城故事」傳唱之作,由「心靈捕手」喬許葛洛班開創跨界美聲聽覺體驗 12. LOVE ME TENDER (with Elvis Presley) 溫柔愛我/與貓王 史無前例獲得搖滾名人、鄉村音樂、福音音樂三大音樂殿堂列名致敬的貓王,跨時空選唱1956年情歌
  SIDE 1 LP 1. It Had To Be You - Barbra Streisand With Michael Buble / Streisand, Barbra / Buble, Michael 2. People - Barbra Streisand With Stevie Wonder / Streisand, Barbra / Wonder, Stevie 3. Come Rain Or Come Shine - Barbra Streisand With John Mayer / Streisand, Barbra / Mayer, John 4. Evergreen - Barbra Streisand With Babyface / Streisand, Barbra / Edmonds, Kenny 5. New York State Of Mind - Barbra Streisand With Billy Joel / Streisand, Barbra / Joel, Billy 6. I`d Want It To Be You - Barbra Streisand With Blake Shelton / Streisand, Barbra / Shelton, Blake     SIDE 2 LP 1. The Way We Were - Barbra Streisand With Lionel Richie / Streisand, Barbra / Richie, Lionel 2. I Still Can See Your Face - Barbra Streisand With Andrea Bocelli / Streisand, Barbra 3. How Deep Is The Ocean - Barbra Streisand With Jason Gould / Streisand, Barbra 4. What Kind Of Fool - Barbra Streisand With John Legend / Streisand, Barbra / Legend, John 5. Somewhere - Barbra Streisand With Josh Groban / Streisand, Barbra / Groban, Josh 6. Love Me Tender - Barbra Streisand With Elvis Presley / Streisand, Barbra / Presley, Elvis     DISK 3 CD 1. It Had To Be You - Barbra Streisand With Michael Buble / Streisand, Barbra / Buble, Michael 2. People - Barbra Streisand With Stevie Wonder / Streisand, Barbra / Wonder, Stevie 3. Come Rain Or Come Shine - Barbra Streisand With John Mayer / Streisand, Barbra / Mayer, John 4. Evergreen - Barbra Streisand With Babyface / Streisand, Barbra / Edmonds, Kenny 5. New York State Of Mind - Barbra Streisand With Billy Joel / Streisand, Barbra / Joel, Billy 6. I`d Want It To Be You - Barbra Streisand With Blake Shelton / Streisand, Barbra / Shelton, Blake 7. The Way We Were - Barbra Streisand With Lionel Richie / Streisand, Barbra / Richie, Lionel 8. I Still Can See Your Face - Barbra Streisand With Andrea Bocelli / Streisand, Barbra 9. How Deep Is The Ocean - Barbra Streisand With Jason Gould / Streisand, Barbra 10. What Kind Of Fool - Barbra Streisand With John Legend / Streisand, Barbra / Legend, John 11. Somewhere - Barbra Streisand With Josh Groban / Streisand, Barbra / Groban, Josh 12. Love Me Tender - Barbra Streisand With Elvis Presley / Streisand, Barbra / Presley, Elvis

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