地平線:西域禁地 電玩原聲帶 Horizon Forbidden West

售價$ : 1,880
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    商業和藝術界大獲全勝的動作角色扮演電玩遊戲。
    匯集Joris De Man+Joe Henson和Alexis Smith合組雙搭檔The Flight+Niels van der Leest+Oleksa Lozowchuk各個都是經驗豐富,且擁有多年配樂經驗的4組大師們聯袂抬轎電玩原聲帶。
    從古典管絃樂、現代流行音樂、搖滾樂甚至世界音樂領域吸收精華,帶有異國色彩的曲式,背後搭入多位優美女聲吟唱或演唱,此作品完整蒐齊所有細節配樂,以6CD包裝提供玩家以及喜好聆賞電玩樂迷珍藏。

隸屬索尼互動娛樂的荷蘭遊戲開發商Guerrilla Games精心打造,在PS4及PS5平台發行的動作角色扮演遊戲《地平線:西域禁地 Horizon Forbidden West》,2024年於Windows隆重推出。遊戲承接2017年《地平線:黎明時分 Horizon Zero Dawn》故事劇情,以末日浩劫後千年的美國為舞台,玩家將再次扮演諾拉部族的獵人少女亞蘿伊,走訪美國西部地區,將不惜一切代價拯救瀕臨崩潰的世界,展開一系列的全新冒險,接受不同敵人的挑戰,幫助新舊盟友,並揭開古老的奧秘。2022年一發售即大獲好評,一口氣入圍8項D.I.C.E.大獎+7項遊戲大獎+5項英國遊戲大獎+4項金搖桿獎肯定,同時提名美國動畫領域最高榮譽之一的安妮獎「電玩遊戲類的最佳腳色動畫」加冕;贏取英國衛報、電子遊戲月刊、IGN、Game Informer、Game Revolution、GamesRadar+、GameSpot、Destructoid、Easy Allies、VideoGamer.com等傳媒一面倒給予高分背書。不僅藝術上大放異彩,於商業銷售上送出極亮眼成績單,英國截至2022年底,衝破53萬套;德國在開賣當月即賣過20萬套門檻;截至2023年3月,日本銷售量已達到15萬套。2023年4月,全球累積840萬套驚人銷售量!

《地平線:西域禁地 Horizon Forbidden West》電玩原聲帶中的史詩般配樂,一再透露出美麗的音軌,不僅讓玩家在視覺上猶如身歷其境般刺激,在聽覺上同享好萊塢高規格的配樂等級。匯集許多優秀音樂人齊心效力,包括:自1999年進入Guerrilla Games工作而開啟知名度,縱橫電影、電視、電玩配樂界,來自荷蘭籍作曲家/音響工程師Joris De Man+由Joe Henson和Alexis Smith合組的雙搭檔The Flight,兩人在流行音樂界、電玩和電視配樂界皆有斬獲+屢獲獎項殊榮的遊戲作曲家和音響工程師Niels van der Leest,結合在打擊樂、世界音樂、古典音樂的背景,以及強烈的音效設計,全面征服獨立到主流開發商+同樣也是多項大獎入袋,身兼作曲家、製作人、音樂總監、多項樂器演奏家Oleksa Lozowchuk,作品涵蓋電影、電視、電玩遊戲、流行音樂、廣告、舞台劇等多種流派、橫跨各領域,主要託付各個都是經驗豐富,且擁有多年配樂經驗的4組大師們聯袂抬轎。從古典管絃樂、現代流行音樂、搖滾樂甚至世界音樂領域吸收精華,帶有異國色彩的曲式,背後搭入優美女聲吟唱或演唱,網羅:曾擔任好萊塢配樂名師James Newton Howard、Lorne Balfe、Hans Zimmer幕後獻藝,居住在德國慕尼黑的Julie Elven+美國前電音樂團主唱/作曲家,活躍影視、音樂圈,風格寬廣的從流行、電子、搖滾深入爵士、中東音樂的Melissa R. Kaplan+來自加拿大的獨立創作才女Ariana Gillis+自遊戲和關卡設計師,投入到音效設計,擔任歌手和詞曲創作家的Lovisa Bergdahl,這幾位女聲輪流在多首曲子中貢獻曼妙聲韻。此作品完整蒐齊所有細節配樂,以6CD包裝提供玩家以及喜好聆賞電玩樂迷珍藏!
1.Whatever Comes (Feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan)
2.Aloy's Theme (Feat. Julie Elven)
3.In the Flood (Feat. Ariana Gillis)
4.The World On Her Shoulders (Feat. Julie Elven)
5.All Fall Down
6.Echo of You (Feat. Melissa R. Kaplan)
8.Mother of All (Feat. Julie Elven)
9.Shelter from the Storm
10.Built to Kill
11.Rusted Sands
12.Guardian of the Deep (Feat. Julie Elven)
13.No Footfalls to Follow
14.Look Deeper (Feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan)
15.Trinity (Feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan)
16.As Certain As Stone (Feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan)
17.These Stones Unturned
18.The Wings of the Ten (Feat. Julie Elven)
19.Second Chance
20.This Place, This Moment (Feat. Julie Elven)
21.Resilience to Rise (Feat. Julie Elvan and Melissa R. Kaplan)
22.In the Flood

1.A Promise to Uphold (Feat. Julie Elven)
2.Restless As the Weald
3.The Trail We Leave Behind
4.Edge of the Sundom
5.A Steady Breath (Feat. Julie Elven)
7.Off the Trail
8.Restricted Access
9.Time Twisted Around Metal
10.Wither and Ache
11.The Chorus
12.Solace Beneath the Stars
13.A Scattered Reflection
14.Machine Made
15.Figments of Time
16.Riddles in Ruins
17.Steel Bones
18.Marvels Below
19.By Choice, By Fate (Feat. Julie Elven)

1.The Strength to Make a Stand (Feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan)
2.Her World, Her Legacy (Feat. Julie Elven)
3.Always Left Alone (Feat. Julie Elven)
4.Reclaimed By the Wilds
5.The Long Road Back
6.Savior of Meridian
7.A Signal in the West
8.Alone Again
9.Valley's Descent
10.Clear the Way
11.Spark and Flame
12.A Wager Over Barrels
13.Forged for the Fight
14.By the Cold Light of Stars
15.The Way to Barren Light
16.In All Its Splendor
17.Lost in the Keg
18.Commander's Orders
19.Storming the Gates
20.Born in Blood
21.Bloodied and Broken
22.The Embers in Our Wake
23.Alone Before the World
24.Dawn Eases Night
25.The Sky Remade
26.Shattered Metal
27.Solitude's Shore

1.As Verdants Limbs Wither
4.As Before, We Are (Feat. Musica Intima)
5.Echoes of Plenty
6.Infinite Cycle
7.Sacred Decay
8.Glyphs of Light
9.The Corner of Your Eye
10.Defenders of the Sky
11.Blood Shed On Stone
12.Pride's Fall
13.Strike from the Sky
14.All Will Be Run Red
15.Delver's Dream
17.Night Life
18.The Diviner
19.The Eye That Reveals
20.Every Secret, a Maze
21.The Time of Ashes
22.Ancestor Reborn
23.Mutually Assured Destruction
24.Eternal Conceit

1.A Whispered Plea
2.237 (Feat. Melissa R. Kaplan)
3.Where the Wanderer Goes
4.The Crossing (Feat. Ariana Gillis)
5.Legacy's Landfall
6.Pride of the Expedition
8.Scraped from Salt and Rust
9.A Quiet Strength
10.Look Deeper (Feat. Julie Elven and Melissa R. Kaplan)
11.Gemini (Feat. Ariana Gillis)
12.Contingency 13-F
13.All That Remains
15.What Looms Ahead
16.Singular Purpose
17.Point of No Return
19.Regalla Reigns
21.This Place, This Moment (Feat. Julie Elven)

1.Storm On the Rise
2.Shoulders of Giants
3.Rust and Risk
4.Coiled Strike
5.Rifts and Ruptures
6.In the Dust, to the Death
7.Hollowed Out
8.Drowned and Gone
9.Search and Destroy
10.Rumors in the West
11.Sudden Surge
12.Ride the Edge
13.Rebel's Rage
14.Blade On Blade
15.Where None Should Tread
16.Primal Steel
17.Sharpened Instinct
19.Show Her Our Teeth
20.No Delve Without Danger
21.Far from Rest
22.Steel the Mind
23.The Pride of the Arena
24.Rise Above Ruin

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