李蓋悌 : 六首小品,室內協奏曲 Ligeti : Six Bagatelles, Chamber Concerto

售價$ : 618
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芳斯瓦-澤維爾.羅斯 指揮

Ligeti's interest in sonorities and instrumental timbres is well known. Francois-Xavier Roth and the musicians of Les Siecles, themselves true alchemists of sounds and colours, recorded shimmering interpretations of these three works in 2016, displaying unprecedented clarity and naturalness, and also tremendous humour. They have been superbly remastered for this reissue.
GYORGY LIGETI (1923-2006)
Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet (1953)
1 I. Allegro con spirito 1'12
2 II. Rubato. Lamentoso 2'55
3 III. Allegro grazioso 2'31
4 IV. Presto ruvido 0'58
5 V. (Bela Bartok in memoriam) - Adagio. Mesto 2'32
6 VI. Molto vivace. Capriccioso 1'31
Kammerkonzert (1970)
7 I. Corrente (FlieBend), fur Maedi Wood 5'10
8 II. Calmo, sostenuto, fur Traude Cerha 6'08
9 III. Movimento preciso e meccanico, fur Friedrich Cerha 3'44
10 IV. Presto, fur Walter Schmieding 3'21
Ten Pieces for Wind Quintet (1968)
11 I. Molto sostenuto e calmo 2'25
12 II. Prestissimo minaccioso e burlesco 0'53
13 III. Lento 1'42
14 IV. Prestissimo leggiero e virtuoso 1'00
15 V. Presto staccatissimo e leggiero 0'32
16 VI. Lo stesso : Presto staccatissimo e leggiero 1'16
17 VII. Vivo, energico 1'09
18 VIII. Allegro con delicatezza 2'33
19 IX. Sostenuto, stridente 1'08
20 X. Presto bizzarro 1'21

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