莫札特/貝多芬: 鋼琴改編曲集 Mozart & Beethoven Transcribed

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鋼琴改編曲集 莫札特: 第20號鋼琴協奏曲(阿爾肯改編) / 貝多芬: 第三號交響曲(英雄)(李斯特改編)
魏保羅 鋼琴

這張專輯將兩位浪漫時期最偉大的兩位鋼琴作曲家將古典時期最偉大的作品中的兩首改編給鋼琴獨奏錄在一起, 結果是十九世紀鋼琴演奏技巧中最令人興奮的兩個經驗.

李斯特成功的將鋼琴獨有的特性與貝多芬管弦樂寫作特徵結合在一起, 在這張中展示他最多采多姿的一面. 他生動的捕捉到貝多芬(英雄)交響曲快速地場景變換和情緒轉變, 而且他不只利用鋼琴能夠輕聲細語又能咆嘯的能力, 還有寧靜的力量與強度. 在二十世紀的莫札特鋼琴協奏改編曲中, 阿爾肯接下一個不同的挑戰, 他巧妙熟練的將管弦樂和鋼琴獨奏部份編織成有如一張織錦毯, 從頭到尾都是令人驚訝的創造力與原創性的鋼琴寫作.

這兩首鋼琴傑作由鋼琴家魏保羅表演 – 他同時也是一位在埃塞克斯園大律師事務所(Essex court chambers)工作, 精通商業法的律師 – 他對十九世紀鋼琴演奏技巧有驚人的技藝和熱情, 尤其是在備受好評的奉獻給阿爾肯(SACD2465)和塔爾貝格(SACD2515)的改編曲錄音專輯.

This recording brings together two of the greatest works of the Classical era in transcriptions for solo piano by two of the greatest pianist-composers of the Romantic era, resulting in two of the most thrilling experiences that nineteenth-century pianism has to offer.

Successfully marrying the unique charac-teristics of the piano to the defining features of Beethoven's orchestral writing, Franz Liszt is showed here at his most colouristic. He vividly captures the rapid scene shifts and mood changes of Beethoven's Eroica and exploits not only the piano's ability both to whisper and to roar, but also the power and intensity of silence. In Mozart's 20th piano concerto, Charles-Valentin Alkan takes on a different challenge as he masterfully weaves the orchestral and solo piano parts into a single tapestry that brims from start to finish with piano writing of startling inventiveness and originality.

These two pianistic tours de force are presented here by Paul Wee – also a barrister specialising in commercial law at Essex Court Chambers in London – whose astonishing technique and passion for nineteenth-century pianism have been highlighted on acclaimed recordings dedicated to music by Alkan and transcriptions by Thalberg.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 3 in E flat major (Eroica), Op.55 50''43
01 I. Allegro con brio 16''27
02 II. Marcia funebre 16''25
03 III. Scherzo 5''29
04 IV. Finale 12''22

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K 466 32''37
05 I. Allegro 14''57
06 II. Romanze 8''18
07 III. Rondo 9''22

Album total 83''24

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