Cinema Suites for Violin & Orchestra

售價$ : 728
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For twenty years Marco Serino was Ennio Morricone's violinist, the soloist on his film soundtracks and on world tours where they were reworked for the concert hall. In January 2020, after what proved to be his last public concert, at the Italian Senate in Rome, Morricone finished the transcription of this magnificent and unpublished collection, which recasts the themes of his most famous scores in suites transcribed for violin and orchestra. The work was carried out in close collaboration with Marco Serino and dedicated to him as a fruit of the artistic partnership between the two men. The collection alternates between pieces already performed in concert and others that are heard in this version for the first time. A year and a half after the composer's death, this extraordinary document, a testimony to friendship and professional esteem, now becomes a recording project with the collaboration of Andrea Morricone, the composer's son, who conducts the Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento.
Sergio Leone Suite Canone Inverso Giuseppe Tornatore Suite The Mission Brian De Palma Suite Moses And Marco Polo Suite 21 Per Le Antiche Scale (From The Bolognini Movie) 2:23

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