巴哈 : 小提琴與數字低音奏鳴曲 Bach : Sonatas For Violin and Continuo

售價$ : 568
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戈爾茲 小提琴 貝勒 大提琴 托斯滕·約翰 大鍵琴 Johann Sebastian Bach appears to have had a lifelong interest in chamber music. He was the son of a musician and the father of a large family: playing together was part of everyday life for the Bach family. He is known to have composed many works for this repertoire, some of them scattered to the winds. Various attempts to locate these missing chamber music works have brought to light many uncertain pieces, and it is often difficult to separate authentic works from others that are not. Here Gottfried von der Goltz directs our gaze towards these compositions that are in part hardly known and sometimes atypical: three sonatas (BWV 1021, 1023 and 1024) and a fugue (BWV 1026), which we are delighted to rediscover. Also on the programme: the Sonata in A major, long attributed to J. S. Bach but now recognised as a composition by Telemann, and an anonymous sonata in C minor dating from the 1720s.
JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH Sonata for violin and continuo in G major BWV 1021 1. I. Adagio 2. II. Vivace 3. III. Largo 4. IV. Presto Sonata for violin and continuo in C minor BWV 1024 5. I. Adagio 6. II. Presto 7. III. Affettuoso 8. IV. Vivace ANONYMOUS Violin sonata in C minor 9. I. Adagio 10. II. Allegro 11. III. Siciliana 12. IV. Allegro JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH 13. Fugue in G minor BWV 1026 14. Gavotte from BWV 1019a Sonata for violin and continuo in E minor BWV 1023 15. I. [Preludio] 16. II. Adagio ma non tanto 17. III. Allemanda 18. IV. Gigue Sonata for violin and continuo in A major BWV Anh.II 153 19. I. [Adagio] 20. II. [Vivace] 21. III. [Largo] 22. IV. Allegro 23. V. [Fuga]

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