星際效應 (2020 豪華盤) Interstellar (Expanded Edition)

售價$ : 700
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  • 專輯曲目
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Hans Zimmer's music for Interstellar has the power to lift you up, fill your heart and make you feel like a tiny dot in this great universe. From the moment he plays that first chord, the music immediately transports us to another world. It's a simple melody, but one with great emotional depth.
1.    Dreaming of the Crash
2.    Cornfield Chase
3.    Dust
4.    Day One
5.    Stay
6.    Message from Home
7.    The Wormhole
8.    Mountains
9.    Afraid of Time
10.    A Place Among the Stars
11.    Running Out
12.    I'm Going Home
13.    Coward
14.    Detach
15.    S.T.A.Y.
16.    Where We're GoingDisco

1.    First Step
2.    Flying Drone
3.    Atmospheric Entry
4.    No Need To Come Back
5.    Imperfect Lock
6.    No Time For Caution
7.    What Happens Now?
8.    Who's They?
9.    Murph
10.    Organ Variation
11.    Tick-Tock
12.    Day One (Original Demo)
13.    Day One Dark
14.    Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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