星際牛仔 動畫原聲帶 Seatbelts: Cowboy Bebop

售價$ : 1,680
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Soundtrack to the hit anime series 'Cowboy Bepop'. Originally aired in 1998, the series became a critical and commercial success both in Japanese and international markets (most notably in the United States), garnered several major anime and science fiction awards upon its release, and received wide acclaim for its style, characters, story, voice acting, animation, and soundtrack. Seatbelts's repertoire covers not only jazz but also rock, electronic, funk, blues, heavy metal, country and J-pop. Composed and performed by Yoko Kanno and the band SEATBELTS, the music of »Cowboy Bebop« is one of the signature elements of the series. The energetic jazz-infused pieces rip and roar across the stars and are as indispensable as the crew of the Bebop themselves. This release is pressed on a pair of color vinyl discs matching the iconic personal starships featured in the show - A/B on Swordfish II Red and C/D on Red Tail Purple - housed in a gatefold jacket with printed inner sleeves.
1. Tank!
2. Rush
3. Spokey Dokey
4. Bad Dog No Biscuits
5. Cat Blues
6. Cosmos
7. Space Lion
8. Waltz For Zizi
9. Piano Black
10. Pot City

1. Too Good Too Bad
2. Car 24
3. The Egg and I
4. Felt Tip Pen
5. Rain
6. Digging My Potato
7. Memory
8. What Planet is This?
9. Diamonds
10. Mushroom Hunting
11. Einstein Groovin'
12. Pearls

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