巴哈 : 無伴奏大提琴組曲 Bach : Complete Cello Suites

售價$ : 588
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巴哈:六首無伴奏大提琴組曲全集(BWV1007-BWV1012) 麥坦.賽巴斯蒂安 大提琴 Architectural and contrapuntal, Bach's mathematical and organic poetry will have been able to travel highly through time, inspire all sorts of currents and instrumentations. In his Suites for solo cello, whereas he was a violist and organist, already a famous improviser and composer, in a period of his life when the liturgical circumstances of his employment did not give rise to purely instrumental commissions, it can be assumed that the simple pleasure, the personal freedom, the challenge of imagining, for a monodic instrument, a polyphonic music where the missing parts are recreated by the listener, or else the curiosity of exploring the possibilities of the cello are as many reasons which have been able to make him compose them.
CD1 1 Suite N° 1 in G Major BWV 1007 Prelude 02:19 2 Suite N° 1 in G Major BWV 1007 Allemande 04:14 3 Suite N° 1 in G Major BWV 1007 Courante 02:22 4 Suite N° 1 in G Major BWV 1007 Sarabande 02:28 5 Suite N° 1 in G Major BWV 1007 Menuets 03:06 6 Suite N° 1 in G Major BWV 1007 Gigue 01:43 7 Suite N° 2 in D minor BWV 1008 Prelude 03:43 8 Suite N° 2 in D minor BWV 1008 Allemande 03:40 9 Suite N° 2 in D minor BWV 1008 Courante 02:12 10 Suite N° 2 in D minor BWV 1008 Sarabande 04:09 11 Suite N° 2 in D minor BWV 1008 Menuets 02:56 12 Suite N° 2 in D minor BWV 1008 Gigue 02:40 13 Suite N° 3 in C Major BWV 1009 Prelude 03:19 14 Suite N° 3 in C Major BWV 1009 Allemande 04:02 15 Suite N° 3 in C Major BWV 1009 Courante 03:00 16 Suite N° 3 in C Major BWV 1009 Sarabande 03:35 17 Suite N° 3 in C Major BWV 1009 Bourrees 03:47 18 Suite N° 3 in C Major BWV 1009 Gigue 03:14 CD2 1 Suite N° 4 in E flat Major BWV 1010 Prelude 03:40 2 Suite N° 4 in E flat Major BWV 1010 Allemande 04:29 3 Suite N° 4 in E flat Major BWV 1010 Courante 03:32 4 Suite N° 4 in E flat Major BWV 1010 Sarabande 04:08 5 Suite N° 4 in E flat Major BWV 1010 Bourrees 04:58 6 Suite N° 4 in E flat Major BWV 1010 Gigue 02:56A 7 Suite N° 5 in C Minor BWV 1011 Prelude 06:00 8 Suite N° 5 in C Minor BWV 1011 Allemande 05:22 9 Suite N° 5 in C Minor BWV 1011 Courante 02:05 10 Suite N° 5 in C Minor BWV 1011 Sarabande 02:45 11 Suite N° 5 in C Minor BWV 1011 Gavottes 04:49 12 Suite N° 5 in C Minor BWV 1011 Gigue 02:26 13 Suite N° 6 in D Major BWV 1012 Prelude 05:05 14 Suite N° 6 in D Major BWV 1012 Allemande 07:17 15 Suite N° 6 in D Major BWV 1012 Courante 03:43 16 Suite N° 6 in D Major BWV 1012 Sarabande 04:01 17 Suite N° 6 in D Major BWV 1012 Gavottes 03:54

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