四首幻想曲 Four Fantasies

售價$ : 478
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We are proud and happy to announce our collaboration with the young pianist Anna Fedorova. On her debut recording with Channel Classics she shares her four favorite fantasies with us: “We all have lots of fantasies which we often love to dive into. In music - Fantasie is one of the freest genres which each composer explores in his own way and I thought it would be fascinating to dive into the fantasy world of several magnificent composers. For this particular CD I chose some of my favorite fantasies which I have been performing during the last couple of seasons.” Anna Fedorova is one of the world's premier young pianists. From an early age, she demonstrated an innate musical maturity and outstanding technical abilities. Her international concert career took off while she was only a child, and audiences around the world were stunned by the depth and power of her musical expression. Critics have praised Anna's signature “sweet modesty and wild expression,” which rendered listeners “completely taken by surprise, compelled and astonished.”
Sonata No. 2 in G-sharp Minor (Sonata-Fantasie) Op. 19 1. I Andante Alexander Scriabin 08:11 2. II Presto Alexander Scriabin 04:22 Fantasie in F Minor Op. 49 3. Fantasie in F Minor Op. 49 Frédéric Chopin 13:37 Fantasie in C Major Op. 17 4. I Durchaus fantastisch und leidenschaftlich vorzutragen Robert Schumann 12:57 5. II Mäßig-Durchaus energisch Robert Schumann 07:52 6. III Langsam getragen-Durchweg leise zu halten Robert Schumann 10:34 Sonata quasi una Fantasia No.14 in C-sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 2 ‘Moonlight’ 7. I Adagio sostenuto Ludwig Van Beethoven 05:21 8. II Allegretto Ludwig Van Beethoven 02:26 9. III Presto agitato Ludwig Van Beethoven 07:42

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