007首部曲:皇家夜總會 Casino Royale

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世界音響播放革命權威雜誌TAS上磅天碟. 評選最佳百片前十發燒名盤,成為有史以來最好的“流行”黑膠唱片,由知名刻版編輯工程師克里斯馬龍(Chris Malone)重新修復。電影原聲帶中,Dusty Springfield迷魂勾引聲主唱The Look of Love,張力十足。在加上美國爵士法國號伸縮喇叭高手Herb Alpert加上他帶領的 The Tijuana Brass爵士銅管樂團.非常精彩動聽. 雙LP包括原裝專輯(Original MGM Motion Picture Soundtrack),和另一張單聲道(Mono)版,全部由MGM美高梅電影公司提供,電影內出現過之音樂,點滴不漏,保證回味無窮。
LP1 Stereo 1. Casino Royale (Main Title) by Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Bras 2. The Look of Love, Vocal by Dusty Springfield 3. Moneypenny Goes for Broke 4. Le Chiffre's Torture of Mind 5. Home James, Don't Spare the Horses 6. Sir James' Trip to Find Mata 7. The Look of Love (Instrumental) 8. Hi There Miss Goodthighs 9. Little French Boy 10. Flying Saucer / First Stop Berlin 11. The Venerable Sir James Bond 12. Dream on James, You're Winning 13. The Big Cowboys and Indians Fight at Casino Royale / Casino LP2 Mono 1. Casino Royale (Main Title) Performed by Herb Alpert & the Ti 2. Opening Cars Converging / to the Bond Chateau 3. The Black Rose / James Bond in Scotland 4. The Widow Duty of Lady Fiona / Wassail 5. The Grouse Shoot / Mimi's Lament 6. Gymnasium Training 7. Proposals, Super 8 and Costumes 8. Sir James' Trip to Find Mata / Temple Dance 9. Have No Fear Bond is Here (Single Version) Vocal by Mike Red 10. The Look of Love, Vocal by Dusty Springfield 11. Sitar Background / Old Berlin House / Mata Hari School for S 12. Bond Arrival in France / Vesper in the Shower 13. Le Chiffre's Magic Act 14. Vesper's Kidnapping / End of Torture Sequence 15. Fight in Casino Manager's Office / 16. Noah's Headquarters / the Lsd Room 17. The Big Fight at Casino Royale (Film Version) / Seven Bond I

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