貝多芬:第五號交響曲《命運》 Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor

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頂尖錄音品牌 英國追龍 @貝多芬系列 第五號交響曲 TheLocrian Ensemble of London演奏 Rimma Suhanskaya指揮 義大利聖馬丁在田園演奏 發燒錄音 音像厚實器樂收錄亮麗柔美 動態對比強烈 Musicians: The Locrian Ensemble of London Rimma Sushanskaya, conductor Rita Manning, leader On the 1st of February, Chasing The Dragon had the opportunity of recording a live Beethoven concert performed at St. Martin-in-the-Fields. From this event, they have been able to release 2 new recordings featuring the Locrian Ensemble of London, conducted by Rimma Sushanskaya. From Chasing The Dragon's Mike Valentine: The Egmont Overture and Beethoven's 5th Symphony are probably some of the most well loved pieces of classical music in the world. Here, we have a wonderful performance, which we captured at a live concert in St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, on the 1st of February 2019. I only used three 50 year old valve microphones, which I believe has added to the warmth and purity of the recording. I hope you have as much fun listening to the album, as we did in recording it! "Beethoven concerts are not as frequently encountered these days as they once were, so it was an attractive 'traditional' programme of overture - concerto - symphony that drew a large audience to London's St. Martin-in-the-Fields, on February the 1st. They were rewarded with a programme of outstanding quality from the finely played Egmont Overture, to the 5th Symphony, by way of the Emperor Piano Concerto, notably well conducted throughout by Rimma Sushanskaya, most able partnering the very fine John Lenehan who gave an outstanding account of the solo part, supported to the hilt by this very gifted conductor and orchestra. Dr. Sushanskaya's performance of the 5th Symphony was in the memorable class, a reading of deep musicianship and interpretive character. No wonder soloist and conductor were called back time and again after the concerto to be rewarded with a genuine standing ovation at the end, which lasted for many minutes." - Grame Judge, Musical Opinion Quarterly
1. Egmont Overture 2. Symphony No.5 : Allegro con brio - Andante con moto 3. Scherzo : Aallegro - Allegro - Presto

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